Goodbye xRevenuePro, xSplitpro2 and xSharePro2 Scripts

Goodbye xRevneuePro, xSplitpro2 and xSharePro2

Dear Friends,

We have some important news to share with you.

We are discontinuing our xRevenuePro, xSplitpro2 and xSharePro2 Scripts with immediate effect. Before, you jump to any conclusions, let us explain why we are putting an end to these best-selling and successful scripts.

It is not easy to for us to let go of these popular scripts of ours. But, the reason we are bringing our xRevenuePro, xSplitpro2 and xSharePro2 scripts to an end is as you may be aware, we have just launched our newest and most technologically advanced script – ProXCore. We also want to completely focus on this single product in the time to come so that we can provide better service and support to our clients.

We put a lot of emphasis on enhancing our products, support and services. Now, the ProXCore script is our centre of attention. You will get all the features that were in the above scripts in our ProXCore script and even more advanced features. Moreover, we will be adding new modules to this latest script on a regular basis.

PS: Our current customers of the xRevenuePro, xSplitpro2 and xSharePro2 scripts don’t need to worry as they will continue to get support till the end of their support period.

Team ProXScripts

Categories : General
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