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Matrix Cycler
Matrix Cycler is a special module where you can add single matrix or continuous cycles. We have options available like Advanced Forced and Company Forced matrix. You can further check the features and demo of this module at

Downloading Module
  • Login to your "" account
  • Go to the "Downloads" page
  • Click on the "More..." Button of the script you wish to download
  • You will find the "License Key" for module 2 in the Modules box
  • Click on "Download Now" to download your script
Module Installation Steps
  • "Unzip" downloaded script and upload all files present in the folder named "upload" :
  • "FTP" to your "webhost account". Upload all the files to "public_html/app" directory.
  • Next, go to the admin area of your script.
  • Go to Manage Modules => Modules
  • Click on the "Import Module" tab and fill in the relevant fields, which are as follows :

    • License Key :* - Specify the license key here. This is a mandatory field and you will find it from the steps given above.
    • Module Label :* - Specify the module label here for your reference. You can set whatever you want in this field. For example: Matrix Cycler Plan, Matrix Cycler System etc. The Module Label will be the name of your module which will be displayed in the Menu when it will be added to your script.
    • Module Name :* - module2 (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Advance Settings : - Enable (Enable the advance settings. Don't disable them)
    • Sub Plan Name : - Matrix (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Plan Model : - Matrixplan (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Position Model : - Matrixposition (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Purchase Position : - (Front Side Purchase Position) - index (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Earning History : - (Front Side Earning History) - position (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Cronjob : - position (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Title of The Site : - Select the areas where you wish to display the options/statistics of this module. You can check all the places or the ones you want.
    • Setting Options : - Select the checkbox for Withdraw Restriction. It is mandatory to check this box.
    • Select SQL Patch File :* - Click on browse and add the SQL file (patch.xml) provided with the module here.
    • Site Email Template Category #ID :* - You will find this after adding the Site Email Category from Design & CMS => Email Templates => Site Email Template Categories => Add New => Enter the Name and Click on Submit.
    • Website Page Category #ID :* - You will find this after adding the Website Page Category from Design & CMS => Website Pages => Website Page Categories => Add New => Enter the Category and Click on Submit.
    • Click on the "Submit" button to apply the changes.

Note : After module installation, you will need to clean the cache from your server. You can delete the cache from the following three directories:

  • app/tmp/cache
  • app/tmp/cache/models
  • app/tmp/cache/persistent

Once the cache will be deleted from the server, then refresh the page.

Cronjob Settings

Timing : Twice Per Hour (0,30 * * * *)

Path : php -q /home/[USERNAME]/public_html/app/Console/cake.php matrix -app /home/[USERNAME]/public_html/app

Matrix Instant - Module 2-instant
Downloading Module
  • Login to your "" account
  • Go to the "Downloads" page
  • Click on the "More..." Button of the script you wish to download
  • You will find the "License Key" for module 2-instant in the Modules box
  • Click on "Download Now" to download your script
Module Installation Steps
  • "Unzip" downloaded script and upload all files present in the folder named "upload" :
  • "FTP" to your "webhost account". Upload all the files to "public_html" directory.
  • Next, go to the admin area of your script.
  • Go to Manage Modules => Modules
  • Click on the "Import Module" tab and fill in the relevant fields, which are as follows :
    • License Key :* - Specify the license key here. This is a mandatory field and you will find it from the steps given above.
    • Module Label :* - Specify the module label here for your reference. You can set whatever you want in this field. For example: Matrix Instant Plan, Matrix Instant System etc. The Module Label will be the name of your module which will be displayed in the Menu when it will be added to your script.
    • Module Name :* - module2 (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Advance Settings : - Enable (Enable the advance settings. Don't disable them)
    • Sub Plan Name : - Matrix (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Plan Model : - Matrixplan (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Position Model : - Matrixposition (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Purchase Position : - (Front Side Purchase Position) - index (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Earning History : - (Front Side Earning History) - position (Don't change this. You need to enter it exactly the way it is written)
    • Cronjob : - Keep this field blank
    • Title of The Site : - Select the areas where you wish to display the options/statistics of this module. You can check all the places or the ones you want.
    • Setting Options : - Select the checkbox for Withdraw Restriction. It is mandatory to check this box.
    • Select SQL Patch File :* - Click on browse and add the SQL file (patch.xml) provided with the module here.
    • Click on the "Submit" button to apply the changes.
Cronjob Settings

No cronjobs need to be set in this module.


Groups are useful when you have multiple plans. You can create various matrix cycler plans and categorize them into groups. Groups can be created and managed from the "Groups" tab in the Matrix Cycler module.

  • To Create Group
    • Click on Add New
    • Specify the Group Name in the box and click on Submit.
Matrix Cycler Plan
  • There are two different coding available for the Matrix Cycler module :
    • Instant : Instant module allots positions to members instantly. When a member purchases position, he/she will get entry into the matrix system immediately.
    • Cronjob Based : Positions are allotted to members depending on the way the cronjob is set. If you select this, then members will be provided a temporary spot (placement in the system) by default when position(s) is purchased. As soon as the cronjob runs, it will give them a final spot in the matrix system.
  • Note : You need to specify to our team which of the above you want to set before installation.
  • Important Note : If you want to opt for Instant, then you need to have a powerful server and a purchase limit otherwise it is better to go for cronjob based module. If you opt for cronjob based module, then it is done precisely where slots are defined and 500 slots will get entry into the system at a time. If you opt for Instant and if there is a server load, then there can be a mismatch in the matrix.
  • Adding A New Plan
    • Click on your Matrix Cycler module. You will find it on the top of your website.
    • Click on the Matrix Plans tab. (or whatever you have specified in the module label while installing your module).
      • Note : name of the plan can be changed as per "module label" that you have specified while installing the module.
    • Click on "Add New" button located on the right side. There will be 6 Steps as follows, which you need to specify :
      • Step 1
        • Group : Select the group in which you wish to place your plan. Select a group you have created or select "Default".
        • Plan Status : There are two options for plan status :
          • Active : Select Active if you want members to purchase positions of the plan.
          • Inactive : If you select Inactive, then the plan will be inactive and members including old members would not be able to view it or purchase positions. In short, the plan would be closed completely.
        • Purchase Status : There are two options for purchase status :
          • Active : Select Active if you want new members to purchase positions.
          • Inactive : Select Inactive if you do not want new members to purchase positions. But, members who have already purchased positions (old members) will continue to get earnings.
        • Hide Plan? :
          • No : Select No if you do not want to hide the plan and want members to view the plan on position purchase page.
          • Yes : If you select Yes, then plan will not be displayed in the purchase page, but, it will be active. This is useful if you want to keep the plan as Supplementary/Parallel or it is useful if you want to test a planwithout displaying it in the member's area. The direct link can be found at the end of the plan edit page once it is created.
        • Allow Coupons on Purchase? :
          • Yes : If Yes is selected, then members will be able to view the coupon code field (will be visible in the plan purchase page) so that they can use their coupons if they have any (active coupons).
          • No : If No is selected, then the coupon code field will not be visible in the purchase page. Even if members will have coupons, then they will not be able to use them.
        • Plan Name :* Specify your Plan Name here. The Plan Name will be displayed on the Member Side while purchasing positions.
        • Price Per Position ($) :* Specify the Amount per position which the members will have to pay while purchasing position(s) in this plan.
        • Maximum Positions a Member Can Purchase At a Time :* This is to set a limit to the maximum number of positions a member can purchase at once. Note that it is mandatory to specify a number here. Set this to 0 (Zero) if you want to allow this to be unlimited.
        • Payout Re-purchase/Compound Strategy (%) :* Specify the percentage of earnings that must be used for re-purchase purpose. Set 0, if you want members to withdraw the full amount earned
          For instance, if you set this to 40, then 40% of the earnings can be used only for re-purchase purpose while the remaining 60% of the earnings can be withdrawn. If set to 0 (zero), then members can withdraw full amount earned. The values are rounded to 2 precisions while calculating the amount as per the ratio.

      • Step 2
        • Width :* Specify the width of the matrix here.
        • Depth :* Specify the depth of the matrix here.
        • Matrix Type : You can create two types of matrix plans. These are :
          • Advanced Forced Matrix - In the Advanced Forced Matrix, only referrals can join the matrix plan. In this type of matrix, up to 10 levels are checked for joining and if sponsor is not found, then referral will join under admin.
          • Company Forced Matrix - In the Company Forced Matrix, members join line by line. That is, positions are filled automatically line by line and one after the other.
        • Payout & Matching Bonus Time : This is to set when the Payout and Matching Bonus should be distributed. There are three options for this :
          • Matrix Completion : Members will get earnings and Matching Bonus will be distributed when the matrix is completed if this option is selected.
          • Every Member : Members will get earnings and Matching Bonus will be distributed as soon as a new member joins the matrix when this option is selected. Whenever the spots will get filled, members will get earnings.
          • Every Level : Members will get earnings and Matching Bonus will be distributed whenever a level is completed if this option is selected.
        • Payout Type : Payout (Earnings) can be distributed in two ways :
          • Percentage (%) : If you want to provide earnings to members based on percentage, then select the percentage option.
          • Dollar ($) : If you want to provide earnings to members based on fixed amount, then select the Dollar option.
        • Payout :* Specify the percentage or dollar, as per your selection above, that member would get when he/she completes the matrix. For Example, if you select percentage above and if you specify 10% here, then
          Member Earnings = 10% of Price. If you select Dollar above, then specify the fixed amount to be given as payout.
          NOTE: Please note that do not set Payout to 0.
        • Earnings Processor Preference : Select the preferred earnings processor here. There are two options for this :
          • Purchase Processor : If Purchase Processor is selected, then members would get earnings in the processor they have purchased the position with.
          • Priority Processor : If Priority Processor is selected, then members would get earnings in the processor that they have selected as their preferred processor in the Member's area. Priority Processor can be set from Member's profile and members can changed the priority processor from member's area.
        • Matching Bonus Type : Matching Bonus can be distributed in two ways :
          • Percentage (%) : If you want to provide Matching Bonus to Referral based on percentage, then select the percentage option.
          • Dollar ($) : If you want to provide Matching Bonus to Referral based on amount, then select the Dollar option.
        • Matching Bonus Re-purchase/Compound Strategy (%) :* Specify the percentage of earnings that must be used for re-purchase purpose. Set 0, if you want members to withdraw the full amount earned. For instance, if you set this to 40, then 40% of the earnings can be used only for re-purchase purpose while the remaining 60% of the earnings can be withdrawn. If set to 0 (zero), then members can withdraw full amount earned. The values are rounded to 2 precisions while calculating the amount as per the ratio.

          If you selected "Every Member" or "Every Level" in the "Payout & Matching Bonus Time", then you will see the Number of Matrix Levels you specified in the depth of the matrix above. You will see three fields :
          • Matrix Level - This displays number of matrix levels that you specified in the Depth above.
          • Payout ($ or %) - Specify the Payout you want to provide to members, in Dollars ($) or Percentage (%), as per your selection in Payout Type above.
            NOTE: Please note that do not set Payout ($ or %) to 0.
          • Matching Bonus (Number of Levels) - Specify the number of levels you want to provide matching bonus to sponsor(s) of the member on each level of the matrix. Respective number of levels will appear once you specify a number in matching bonus textbox. Note that you can provide matching bonus up to 10 levels only.
        • Referral Commission (%) :* Specify the commission (in %) to be provided to the referral. You can specify the commission up to 10 levels.
        • Dependent Plan(s) : This plan is to limit the purchase to some of the paid members only. It is mandatory that members have purchased position(s) of the dependent plan before they can purchase position(s) of the plan you are adding.
          • No : Select "No" if you don't want to make it mandatory for members to purchase dependent plan in order to purchase the plan you are adding.
          • Yes : Select "Yes" if you want to allow members to purchase this plan only if they have purchased a specific dependent plan. When you select "Yes", then you need to select the plan type and plan name of the dependent plan that members must purchase if they want to purchase positions in the plan you are adding.
          • For Example : You have two plans, A and B. If A is the dependent plan for plan B, then members will need to purchase position(s) in plan A in order to purchase position(s) in plan B.
        • Parallel Plan(s) : If admin wants to offer another plan (free or complementary plan) along with the plan being added, then choose Parallel Plan. Select yes if you want to offer a parallel plan and select the plan type and plan name that you wish to offer as a parallel plan.
        • Supplementary Plan(s) : This plan can be offered to members when they complete positions of the plan you are adding. Whenever a member completes the cycle any of the position(s) of the plan being added, then he will be given the Supplementary Plan for free. Select "Yes" to offer Supplementary Plan to members and select the plan type and plan name that you wish to offer as a supplementary plan.
        • NOTE : You can offer any plans from different modules for all Dependent, Parallel and Supplementary Plans.

      • Step 3
        • Membership Required : Select "Yes" if you want only members with membership(s) to purchase positions in this plan. Please note that members would need only one of the required memberships to purchase position in this plan. Select "No" if you want all members including those who do not have membership(s) to purchase positions in this plan.
        • Note : To set Membership, go to Settings => Membership Settings => Click on "Add New"
        • Membership Required To Earn : Select "Yes" if want provide to earnings to members who have membership(s). Select "No" if it is not mandatory for members to have membership(s) in order to get earnings.

      • Step 4
        This is to offer advertisement plans such as Banner Ad Plans, Text Ad Plans, Solo Ad Plans, PPC Plans, PTC Plans, Login Ad Plans and Biz Directory Plans to members as complementary to members who purchase positions in this plan.
        • Banner Ad Plan : Select the Banner Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • Text Ad Plan : Select the Text Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • Solo Ad Plan : Select the Solo Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • PPC Plan : Select the PPC Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • PTC Plan : Select the PTC Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • Login Ad Plan : Select the Login Ad Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.
        • Biz Directory Plan : Select the Biz Directory Plan that you would like to award to the members as a complement who purchase position(s) in this plan.

      • Step 5
        • Payment Method :* Select the payment method/balance type that you want to allow members to purchase positions in this plan.
        • Allowed Payment Processors :* You can decide which processors can be used to purchase position(s) in this plan. Select the payment processor you want to allow members to purchase positions in this plan. There are many options for this :
          Bank Wire, Payza, SolidTrustPay, OkPay, EgoPay, Perfect Money and many more.

      • Step 6
        • Admin Note : You can add an admin note here which will be displayed in the purchase page.
        • Default Position Member Id :* Specify the Member Id of the user who should be put at the top of the matrix. All the members who purchase position(s) in this matrix plan will be placed under him/her. By default it is always set as Admin.
        • Default Position's Payment Processor :* Select the payment processor which will be used (recorded) for top position. The respective earnings are provided in the selected processor.
        • Link : This is the link of your plan. You will get to see this link after you have added your plan and you can view it when you go to edit your plan. You can edit your plan by going to the plan over view page, click on the "Action" button of the relevant plan. Click on edit and you will be able to view the link in the bottom of the page.
          Finally, click on Submit to add your plan
Plan Overview Page

If you want to view the plan you have added then go to the Plan Overview page and click on the relevant group tab in which you have added the plan.

ID : This displays the ID of the revenue sharing plan added in the system

Plan Name : This displays the name of the revenue sharing plan added in the system

Price : This displays the price of each position in of the plan

Matrix : This displays the matrix dimension of the plan.

Action : You can edit, copy, inactivate/activate plan, view plan members, view pending plan members, delete plan positions, deny purchase positions and delete plan by clicking on this button.